Q:Who killed Jesus?
A:Some very bad men who didn't believe his teachings.
Q:Does Jesus kill bad guys?
A:No Jesus forgives people and teaches us to forgive.
Q:Can we walk in heaven?
Q:How can we walk if our bones are buried?
A:Just our bodies are buried but our spirits are in heaven.
Q:Can we see in heaven?
This conversation went on longer and actually picked up this morning when we woke up. I am not sure if all this was just a stall technique or a genuine quest for knowledge of the spiritual realm. Regardless it made me more aware of the curiosity that lies in our children and our responsibility as parents to teach our kids.
P.S. I mentioned I read Ashton a long bedtime story. Does anyone else skip some of the pages in order to expedite or am I a bad mom?
I skip pages all the time or do a summarized, condensed version.
Skipping pages and "spontaneous condensation" are old family traditions... perhaps genetic.
Skip pages until they're old enough to read and then they can read the bedtime story themselves. That's always been my philosophy.
I love Ashton's curiosity. Liv is always asking me if the Holy Ghost has a blanket on his head. I guess she struggles a bit with the concept of "ghost".
Isn't a child's curiosity so precious? I love it!! For the record I would NEVER skip a page... hahaha
I won't read a book if it is more than 10 pages, and no more than 10 words on a page. The kids know that now so they don't even ask if its a long book. I'm happy tp know that I'm not the only one and it's now the "trend" of bedtime routines. hahaha
Now that you're home, I will be looking for frequent new blogs to keep me updated on your news. Get cracking!
Liv gets the Reader's Digest of "big books." She only gets the full monty on the picture books.
Hi Sarah. This is Laura (O'Rullian) Stewart. I saw Eliza's blog and so I decided to spy on your whole family. Speaking of families, yours is beautiful. Just wanted to say hi.
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